Ascension of Jesus 2024

Date :
May 12, 2024
Venue :
Gunadala Lourdhumatha Church, IND
Time :
6.30 AM

On May 12, 2024, Rev. Fr. Eleti William Jayaraju, the parish priest, and rector of Gunadala Lourdhmatha Shrine, will lead a special Mass to celebrate the Ascension of Jesus in Gunadala. This day holds a lot of importance for Christians because it marks a crucial event in Jesus’ life.

The Ascension of Jesus happened after He rose from the dead. For forty days, Jesus appeared to His followers, teaching them about God’s Kingdom and telling them to spread His message to everyone. Then, on the fortieth day, He went up to heaven in front of His followers.


Why is this day so important?

Firstly, it shows that Jesus finished His work on Earth and went back to Father. This shows His special connection to Father and His power.

Secondly, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to His followers after He left. This Spirit would give them strength and guidance in their lives and help them spread Jesus’ message.

Thirdly, before Jesus went up to heaven, He told His followers to tell everyone about Him. This means that we have a job to do to share His love and teachings with others.

Attending the Ascension Mass is important because it helps us:

  • Understand more about Jesus and His mission.
  • Renew our commitment to following Him.
  • Feel connected to other believers who share our faith.
  • Get ready for Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came to Jesus’ followers with power.

So, coming to the Ascension Mass isn’t just about going to church,  it’s a chance to celebrate, learn, and feel closer to Jesus and each other.