Rev Fr Kathula Sunil Babu

In the auspicious year of 2019, Fr. Kattula Sunil Babu embarked on a sacred journey as he was ordained, receiving the divine calling to serve the community and spread spiritual guidance. This significant event marked the beginning of a dedicated chapter in his life devoted to the principles of faith and service.

Fast forward to the month of June 2023, a pivotal moment unfolded for Gunadala Lourdumatha Shrine as Fr. Kattula Sunil assumed the role of Assistant Parish Priest. His appointment brought a renewed sense of enthusiasm and devotion to the shrine, further strengthening its mission to foster a vibrant spiritual community.

One of Fr. Sunil’s primary responsibilities is overseeing the liturgical aspects of the shrine. With a keen understanding of the significance of liturgy in the Catholic tradition, he ensures that the worship services are conducted with reverence and adherence to the sacred rituals. Through his guidance, the liturgical experience for the parishioners is enriched, creating an atmosphere of deep spiritual connection.

Additionally, Fr. Sunil has taken charge of the shrine staff, exemplifying leadership and organizational skills. His role involves coordinating the efforts of the staff to ensure the smooth functioning of various aspects within the shrine. This includes managing administrative tasks, facilitating community events, and overseeing the day-to-day operations that contribute to the well-being of the parish.

Fr. Kattula Sunil’s presence as Assistant Parish Priest at Gunadala Lourdumatha Shrine symbolizes a continuation of the commitment to spiritual growth and community welfare. Through his diligent efforts in the realms of liturgy and administrative leadership, he contributes significantly to the holistic experience of the shrine’s parishioners, fostering a sense of unity and devotion within the community.